What is climate change?
Personally, this means how we have hotter summers, and colder winters. Lately, it seems we're having colder springs and warmer winters. It's unbelievable how the day could be so nice and warm (in the sun) and chilly in the shade.
What is the "planetary emergency"?
The planetary emergency is about how much we, as a society continue to pollute, and use up our resources on Earth. We are wasteful, and ignorant in our efforts to maintain the planet as our home.
It will take all people of all societies to make a change that will prevent from the complete destruction of the ozone layer in the Earth's atmosphere.
Where does Mr. Gore get his information?
Mr. Gore gets his information from years and years of collecting data, even from when he was just a college student. He collected world-wide data from Nuclear submarines, about how thick the ice was at the North and South Poles;
He also collected data based on US car sales and how the US car was not up to environmental standards in other countries. He collected satellite pictures and data while he was Vice President of the US and utilized whatever was within his power to get.
What kind of future does Mr. Gore predict?
Based on the information he collected, he predicted a future with sever droughts, flooding, and abnormal weather patterns like more frequent hurricanes and typhoons in locations that have never been exposed to them before.
With our rate of consumption not balancing the rate of preservation, there will be no resources left for future generations.
What does it mean that Mr. Gore has essentially "translated" science for other people to understand?
He translated science in a way for people to understand it perhaps to be able to educate those at a younger age, and as well as those who may not understand the technical science facts that were presented.
Putting it in simpler terms allows the average person to be able to make sense of the true story of GLOBAL WARMING. They are then able to pass the knowledge onto another and educate by word of mouth. (At least, that's one aspect of it)
Why are people talking about climate change now?
People are talking about climate change now because the effects of climate change are affecting all of us now. Take a look at the weather now--it's the third day of SPRING and it's very chilly and feels like January outside.
I'm a January baby but even I appreciate the spring weather but only a month's worth. I believe that sooner or later, it will become the "fad" or a trend to go "green" but as long as big corporations and the media exploit other meaningless topics, we will be brainwashed into thinking what they want us to think.
Self-education is the way to go about changing our habits, and it is not "convenient" for a fast paced, money-driven society as of now.
How does Mr. Gore's position as a public figure influence the discussions around global climate change differently than a scientist or activist?
I believe that he is more influential in the sense that he is of our generation. What do I mean by that? --Simple-- I never knew of the Going Green campaign up until his efforts while he was in office, and then his release of the Book and movie. I have heard of the term Global warming back in grammar school and never thought twice of it until now.
It is imperative to make conscious changes now that I have developed a more factual-based awareness. I miss those warm spring days and cool summer nights and would much prefer my children and friends children to enjoy the same experience.
In Reference to the links I found useful, and important, I chose the following:
Why? Because as a city-commuter, it is a very convenient and less polluting way to get where I need to go on a daily basis. Improving the way people get around would make it more worthwhile in the long run. It's bad enough the trains and buses get crowded. (Don't get me started on the 7 train constructions on the weekends..please.)THANK YOU MTA..
I believe it's the best way to start. The solution is not only in making emissions from cars less dangerous, but to overall make public transportation something cleaner and enjoyable and not inconvenient for those who want to get around. environmentally safe. What sense is it to take the train and bus to save gas if it's crowded, unreliable, and ridiculously expensive as if one was driving in the luxury and convenience of their own car?
All my collegiate years, I have accumulated and continue to receive nonsense, waste of time, energy and paper, JUNK MAIL! AOL was a leading contributer of junk mail. Those aluminum cases with the endless supply of AOL free trial discs in them.. waste of paper as much as a pre-approved bank mail. Here's the article on that. I found it interesting since I was a previous AOL member myself for years.
I found it interesting you can get yourself off of mailing lists and save yourself some trouble as well as save the environment..two birds with one stone right?
I found it interesting you can get yourself off of mailing lists and save yourself some trouble as well as save the environment..two birds with one stone right?
I also found this video on youtube that includes the short part of AIT where they show the futurama cartoon explanation of global warming.. it's funny to me, but also in the video, shows some opinions about some people and the global warming issue.
Here's another clip from futurama with Al Gore in it towards the end of the video.
1 comment:
A very thorough and interesting blog, especially the links! Good job.
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